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🌿A Wildcrafted Cell Mineral for cleansing of the Lymphatic System and removal of calcification from cell soft tissues throughout the body to allow proper nutrient absorption while supporting immune boost and blood purification in the process.
Buy: £26.99 - $34.99

🌿A Wildcrafted Cell Mineral that cleanses and renourishes the Uterus and reproductive functions, from inflammatory conditions such as cysts, tumors, and fibroids, and promotes cell regeneration, fertility and sexual apetite.

Damiana cell mineral, included in our Uternse compound supports balancing of the reproductive hormones by stabilizing estrogen and promoting progesterone production.

Progesterone called the happy hormone soothes the nerves, alleviates headaches, migraines and post-natal depression mostly experienced by hormone imbalanced women.

Progesterone a body producing hormone required at pregnancy carrying stage also supports the general function of the body biology and is made in the body as the female initiates ovulating stage in the uterus. Deficiency in the progesterone hormone can be common and due to bad nutrition, lifestyle or well-being.
Buy: £24.99 - $32.99

🌿Wildcrafted Cell Minerals that recover and rejuvenates the body for a new day, with a detox and nourishing rich multi-minerals.
Buy: £19.99 - $26.99

🌿A Wildcrafted Cell Mineral bowel formula allows the cleansing of the colon, removal of mucus, acid and toxins to support ease movement of the colon and optimal nutrient absorption by the colon walls.

The formula strengthens the walls of the intestine/colon promoting elimination of candida and parasites overgrowth and relieving excess gas, bloating and cramps.
Buy: £24.99 - $32.99

🌿A Wildcrafted Cell Mineral that Supports the detoxification and revitalization of the digestive GI tract, alleviating acidic and inflammatory conditions, promoting the ease of movement of the digestive system and the colon.
Buy: £24.99 - $32.99

🌿A Wildcrafted Cell Mineral that nourishes the body's endocrine glands, promotes optimal body hormonal balance and function.
Buy: £26.99 - $34.99

🌿A Wildcrafted Cell Mineral blood purifier and body revitalization support, consistent of various herbs that are high in iron phosphate and minerals that nourish and strengthen the body.

Iron Plus also contains Seamoss and Bladderwrack, a multi-mineral powder to prepare nourishing shakes and teas, for the bones, thyroid and glands, bad breath, pulmonary illnesses, respiratory issues, coughs, dysentery, dissolves fat, natural diuretic, calms the appetite, for digestion, ulcers, regulates bowels, obesity, skin, kidney and heart disease. High in zinc and calcium.
Buy: £23.99 - $31.99

An Intracellular body cleanse with minerals for nourishing and revitalizing the body.
The SLIM-LINE THERAPEUTIC package consists of the 4 essential compounds.

  • .  BIOLYMPH  
  • .  CHELATE NURTURE         
  • .  IRON PLUS 

1. Biolymph - Promotes stabilization and boosting of the immune system and detoxing of the lymphatic system.

2. Chelate Nurture - Supports the cleansing of GI tract & Colon Cleanse.

3. Digest Nurture - Supports the cleansing and revitalization of upper digestive systems, Pancreas, Liver, Kidney.

4. Iron Plus - Consists of various herbs that mineralizes and strengthens the body.
Buy: £89.99 - $117.99